Monday, August 24, 2020

Avon Heaven Scent Splash Cologne: Sunshine Yellow and Fresh Squeeze

Finally emptied these two, Avon Heaven Scent Sunshine Yellow and Fresh Squeeze Splash Colognes. I know they have new label designs since April last year but what can I say, fragrances last for quite a while with me because I stockpile and use them alternately. Also, because of covid-19, I haven't been going out much. Except for when I feel like smelling a particular fragrance, I don't usually wear colognes or perfumes at home. I'm okay with scented lotions and bath products.  

Between my previous translucent bottle of Sunshine Yellow and this, my second bottle ever, I can vouch that the smell has remained the same and am hoping that this is also true with the new label.

avon heaven scent

Monday, August 10, 2020

Nature Beauty Collagen and Glutathione Perfect Magic Peeling Cream and Shady Seller Practices

Here's another product I got from a roving seller before lockdown.

I had been meaning to get my hands on a peeling gel/cream after trying out Sophie Martin Paris Tomato Natural Antioxidant Peeling. Since Nature Beauty Collagen and Glutathione Perfect Magic Peeling Cream works the same way (The seller applied some of the product on my arm and rubbed it in. Sure enough, clumps of debris began forming. Mind you, as I've explained extensively in the Sophie Martin Tomato Peeling post last January, peeling gels/cream that produce clumps are physical, like scrubs, not chemical exfoliants in spite of the torrent of extracts they spew at you. They're not magic. ), I got easily duped into buying a tube.

Nature Beauty Peeling Cream

Monday, July 27, 2020

Milea All Organics Tea Tree and Aloe Vera Antibacterial Soap

Before lockdown, I purchased a lot of stuff from roving sellers. Not only was it convenient, but some sellers tend to offer free taste and freebies and unlike buying online, I get to see, smell and feel the actual product. In the new normal, I am not so sure roving sellers will be permitted into work premises as easily as before. Heck, I'm not so sure there will be roving sellers of beauty products anymore. But then, maybe a coworker who's into buy and sell will branch into beauty stuff.

milea all organics soap