Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A Cool Product For Summer: Sea Breeze Natural + Aid Body Shampoo Review

The craziest thing I have ever done to relieve myself of that hot, sticky, muggy feeling brought on by humid weather was to douse my body with mouthwash. I was thinking of the minty fresh sensation it imparts when your gargle. Did not work. I just felt stickier. In my defense, the heat was messing with my head.

sea breeze natural aid body shampoo super cool

Just as I was thinking of doing something less crazy, the tube of Caronia Renewing Scrub in my bathroom beginning to look like my salvation since it does provide a slight cooling effect after use, my aunt who resides in Japan sent us a bottle of Sea Breeze Natural + Aid Body Shampoo in Super Cool.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Nivea Sun: Protection for Face and Body

Nivea Sunblock

We have been Nivea Sun users for years already.  Anyone who has been using sunscreen / sunblock for that long would know that there were only a handful of them available in the early 2000. Often they were super pricey, sticky, or the smell was not school / office-friendly. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Hana Shampoo Review and Scent Variants Comparison

Hana Shampoos were known as Shokubutsu Hana Shampoos when they first appeared in the Philippine market. The different variants of the shampoos then dealt with specific hair problems. A few years later, Shokubutsu was dropped fromt the brand name. Lion is no longer listed as co-manufacturer in the label.

Hana Shampoo

My sis-in-law says she does not like Hana. Thinks it's not a suitable shampoo for humid weather. For me it's passable, better than Pert Plus Shampoo with Henna Extracts and Revlon Flex Keratina Anticaspa Shampoo but below other commercial brands. Currently all the variants' labels offer a general promise, soft and smooth hair and they do just that. Emphasis on just. I feel they do not help tame my frizz. I haven't noticed any difference on the effect on my hair from using four shampoo variants. They only differ by scent.