Monday, March 7, 2022

Nouve Body Mist in Dream Review

Recently, I got Nouve Body Mist in Dream because the scent's familiar. Then it hit me. Once home, I took my bottle of Aficionado F44 EDT, which is supposed to be inspired by Paris Hilton perfume. Nouve Body Mist in Dream is a less potent Aficionado F44. They are very similar, especially in the opening where apple is dominant among the fruity notes. However as time pass, Aficionado F44 has more depth, its floral notes heavier, more enveloping than Nouve Body Mist in Dream whose florals turn lighter, flighty. 

An online search lead me to this seller (I'm not affiliated with their shop) whose account described Nouve Body Mist in  Dream as an impression of Ralph Lauren. I guess they mean Ralph by Ralph Lauren which is often compared to Paris Hilton in Fragrantica.

Nouve Body Mist in Dream does not have much staying power. The smell of  alcohol is overpowering. Needless to say, 60 ml will not last long. 

I bought my Nouve Body Mist from a co-worker. That seems to be one of the effects of this pandemic, people started engaging in side hustles while some of  those who lost jobs started their own business. 

A lot went into online selling. Live selling on facebook, which is selling stuff, the most popular of which has been clothes, in real time while people watching place orders, became really popular. As did food delivery businesses. 

When this pandemic started, some went into bartering: there were people on Facebook who offered stuff like personal care items in exchange for milk for their kids. The first months of the lockdown, if not the first year, were very brutal.

Almost two years into the pandemic, life seems to be going back to normal except everyone still needs to observe social distancing (hard to do when public vehicles are now being filled to full capacity), masking and sanitizing. While this post is being written, there has been no new case in our city. Let's hope we are able to sustain this. 

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