Monday, February 25, 2019

Bench Bratsplash Hand Sanitizer Review

Sometime during the Christmas rush, I found myself at a Bench store looking for something that would fit the monito monita  theme of the week. At the counter, I noticed a sign stating that Bench Bratsplash Hand Sanitizer Gels (50 ml, no silicone/rubber holders) are at P20 a piece instead of P24 when you get 4. Naturally, I got a couple because savings and they'd make good giveaways.

bench bratsplash raspberry crush kiwi frost green apple

Monday, January 28, 2019

Celeteque Clarifying Shampoo Review and a Really Off-Putting Salon Agent

My sister bought two bottles of Celeteque Clarifying Shampoos after her coworkers raved that it had effectively addressed their hair fall problem. One of them even gifted a bottle to another coworker who easily became a convert.

celeteque shampoo

Monday, January 14, 2019

Nestle Milk Teas and Chili Garlic Sauces

Milk teas happen to be an "in" thing for teens judging from the amount of milk tea posts that appeared in my timeline in the last quarter of 2018. I don't know if this has something to do with Maymay Entrata's TV commercial Nestle Milk Teas.

nestea milk tea hokkaido
Chili garlic sauce and Nestea Hokkaido-Style Milk Tea